+254 720 016556 | +254 785 323430 | +254 757 816075     awak@awak.co.ke    

TORs OF the Member Services Committee

The Board of Directors of AWAK resolved to constitute a member services committee with the

following Terms of Reference.

 Objective: To assist the board of directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities to our members and other stakeholders.


  1. The Board shall, by resolution, appoint a chairman from among the Board Members.
  2. The Committee members shall appoint a Vice Chairman & secretary from its members who will take responsibility of the deliberations & decisions reached at each meeting.
  3. Membership will be drawn from AWAK members other than the Board

2.Secretarial and Meetings

  1. The secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the members of the Committee.
  2. Meetings shall be held at least once before every Board Meeting­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
  3. Three members present shall constitute a quorum.
  4. AWAK secretariat may attend the committee meetings however only members of the Committee shall have a right to vote.
  5. Notice of meetings together with the agenda be sent at least two weeks to the date of the meeting
  6. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the members within one week after the meeting


The functions of the Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  1. To develop membership recruitment drives and retention of existing members
  2. To seek partnership with both private and public sector that will provide sustainable growth
  3. To develop memberships building programs
  4. Reengineering value proposition for members
  5. To develop strategies to support brand growth
  6. Development and overseeing membership satisfaction surveys

4.Review of the Committee

  1. The Committee shall undertake an annual self -review of its objectives and responsibilities.
  2. The committee shall also be subject to a review by the AWAK Board on an annual basis

5.Reporting Procedures

  1. After each Committee meeting the Chairman shall report the Committee’s deliberations to the AWAK Board.
  2. The minutes of all Committee meetings shall be circulated to Members,
  3. The Chairman shall present an annual report to the AWAK Board summarizing the Committee’s activities during the year and any related significant results.

6.Cessation of Membership

Membership to the Committee shall cease to exist by;

  1. Resignation by the member giving the committee one months’ notice ad handing over any activities the member has been involved in
  2. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairman. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing to the Committee remotely
  3. Member is not in good standing

 Review of TOR

These terms of reference shall be subjected to review by the Board.