+254 720 016556 | +254 785 323430 | +254 757 816075     awak@awak.co.ke    

Objectives of the Committee:

  1.   Assist the Board in the formulation and implementation of the Grants and Fundraising Strategies and Initiatives.
  2.  Composition: 
    1. The Board Shall, by resolution appoint a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Committee from the Board,
    2. Committee members shall be drawn from the AWAK general membership,
    3. The members of the committee shall be both independent and financially literate.


  1. AWAK Members are eligible to be committee members,
  2. Meetings and Procedure: Reasonable notice of meetings and agenda of the business to be conducted shall be circulated to the members of the committee by the secretary,
  3. The secretary of the committee shall be a member of the secretariat and by extension, the program coordinator,
  4. A schedule of meetings shall be prepared and agreed upon by members, but the chairperson shall have power to convene any other meeting as and when need arises,
  5. One third of members present shall constitute a quorum,
  6. All committee members shall be expected to attend and participate in meetings,
  7. The minutes and proceedings of all committee meetings shall be circulated to members within 7 days after the meeting
  8. The minutes of all committee meetings and proceedings shall be well maintained and preserved.


The responsibilities of the committee shall include but not limited to the following:

  1. Determine the AWAK financial needs/gaps with the aim of sourcing for funds in terms of grants or fundraising,
  2. Establish the institutions to partner with, with the aim of getting financial or support in kind,
  3. Establish and create relationships with sponsors for the Trainings and Social Responsibilities,
  4. Discussing and approval of Proposals by management before they are sent out,
  5. Chosen members (2) to represent the committee in meetings between AWAK and Finance partners and sponsors,
  6. Provide reports following meetings with finance partners and sponsors,
  7. The secretariat maintains and grows the list of partners and their contacts for purposes of future engagement,
  8. Assist the secretariate in the identification of partners and donors,
  9. Report to the board the status of grants and fundraising activities.

Reporting procedures

  1. Review all the Associations communication with partners and donors,
  2. Maintain direct lines of communications with the board and secretariat, exclusively on matters related to grants and fundraising,
  3. Reports of the committee shall be presented to the board as appropriate, 
  4. The chairperson shall present an annual report to the board summarizing the committee activities for the year and any significant results and findings.

Decision making 

Unless otherwise provided by the law, decisions of the committee on any matter shall be by consensus. Where unanimous decision cannot be reached, a decision shall be by a majority of votes of members present, physically or virtually. In case of a tie in votes, the chairperson or the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote. Voting shall be by secret ballot or by a show of hands as the committee shall prefer.

Every committee member shall take necessary measures to ensure independence, objectivity and impartiality in judgement, actions and soundness on all decisions. Every committee member shall make reasonable effort to understand the operations of AWAK and attend all committee meetings and AWAK functions as and when called upon. 

Cessation of Membership

Membership to the committee shall cease by:

Resignation by giving the committee one month’s notice and handing over any activities the member was involved in,

Failure to attend three consecutive meetings unless a waiver is obtained from the Chairperson. The waiver will be provided after the meeting considers the support the member is providing in the committee remotely,

Member not being in good standing.

Review the Committee Responsibilities and Performance

The committee shall at least once a year review its own performance, constitution and the terms of reference to ensure it is operating at maximum effectiveness and recommend any changes it may consider to the Board for approval.

Periodic Review

These terms of reference shall be reviewed by the Board from time to time.

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